Exporting data in Akti is done in CSV format. This is a universal file format and leads to the best performance when exporting. You can easily convert this CSV-file to an Excel-file (XLS or XLSX), in order to continue working in this format.
1. After exporting the data, open a blank Excel sheet. In the menu at the top, go to the Data tab. In the new submenu, you can use the icon or menu to select the From Text/CSV option.
2. In the pop-up that opens, look for the CSV file you previously exported from Akti. Then you click on Import.
3. In the new pop-up that opens, select the value: 65001: Unicode (UTF-8) under File origin and then load the file. Once you've done this, the CSV file is available in XLS/Excel format.
Mac OS
1. After exporting the data, open a blank Excel sheet. Then click on Import, specify that it's about a CSV file and choose the previously exported CSV file.
2. In the first step of the wizard, specify that the data is Delimited and in the Unicode (UTF-8) format.
3. In the next step you specify that the delimiter is a comma and you can immediately click on Finish to import the data.