To activate the integration with Billtobox, you must have an existing Billtobox account and generate an API password to make the link.
To link your Akti account to Billtobox, go to the "Integrations" submenu under the Settings module and then click on Billtobox.
In the pop-up that opens, you now need to enter the API key that you created in Billtobox. Next you can click on "Activate". Afterwards you can also choose to deactivate the application again.
To create an API key in Billtobox, click on the cog icon in the upper right and go to the "Automation" option.
Once you've clicked on this option, go to "Archive". Here you can now create a unique key.
Your Akti account is now linked to Billtobox as indicated by the green dot next to the Billtobox logo.
The integration with Billtobox allows you to export sales invoices.