To change the email's structure of the interventions, you can do it manually or automatically.
Changing automatically the email of interventions means that every intevention's email will look the same, but if you want to change something manually for an emai, you can do it.
- Go to Interventions Settings.expenses
- Go to Email Message.
- Select for which language you want to change the email then add the subject ad the body.
- You can use the variables from above and last but not least, Save.emailemail
After you create an intervention, you will have to plan it first. After you plan it, go to that intervention and click on Actions then choose Send by Email.emailemail
After you have finished filling it out, click on Send by
You can also send by email Received interventions.
- Recipients *: choose a recipient or type an email address.
- Copy: you can send a copy to yourself and/or to the Account Manager.
- Subject: this will be the subject of the email when you send it to the customer.
- Message: this is the content of the email that will be sent to the customer.
- Attachments: here you can check to send a PDF version of the order as an attachment.