In this tutorial you get a quick overview on how to create a purchase order in Akti. Go through the following steps.
1. Open the Purchase Orders submenu in the Orders & Deliveries module.
2. Click on Add to add a new purchase order.
You can also create a new purchase order via Add "Quick add" and then "Purchase Order".
Tip With this shortcut button you can create a new purchase order at any time, wherever you are in Akti.
A screen will open in which you can create the purchase order.
A purchase order consists of 4 parts. To create the purchase order in the best possible way, we recommend you to create the various fields in these sections in the following order:
- The purchase order header.
- The settings of the purchase order. Click on the arrow on the right to open the settings.
- The main body of the purchase order.
- Notes. Once again, click on the arrow on the right to open the Notes.
For a detailed description, please refer to the relevant manuals on how to do this for an invoice. These follow the same pattern.
Tip To optimise the use of Purchase orders and enable automation, we recommend the following:
- Fill in as many Settings as possible in your Akti account.
- Fill in as many Purchase order settings as possible.
- In the customer data, fill in at least the following fields: the VAT number, the VAT regime, the default VAT rate, the payment term, the language for the documents and the Account Manager.