Action sthat I can perform to stock dispatches are Edit, Archive, Restore and Delete
Edit a dispatch (just Draft status)
Go to Dispatching submenu from Stock module and click on dispatch's Small and choose Edit.edit
You can do the same thing by clicking on the dispatch and then click on Edit button.noteedit
Change the informations as you wish then Save.edit
Archive an stock dispatch
To archive a stock dispatch you have to go to Dispatching submenu from Stock module and click on dispatch's Small and choose Archive. archive
At Confirmation pop-up window click on OK.archive
You can do the same thing by clicking on the dispatch and then click on Actions and choose Archive.archive
Restore a dispatch
To restore a dispatch you have to go to archived stock dispatches and to do this you have to click on status field and select Archived.restorerestore
Click on an archived dispatch then click on Restore.restore
Delete a stock dispatch
To delete a stock dispatch you have to do the exact same thing that you did to restore a stock dispatch, but insead of clicking on Restore you just click on Delete.delete.png
At Confirmation pop-up window click on OK.delete