In this tutorial you get a quick overview on how to create a quote in Akti. Go through the following steps.
1. Open the Quotes submenu in the CRM module.
2. Click on Add to add a new quote.
You can also create a new quote via Add "Quick add" and then "Quote".
Tip With this shortcut button you can create a new quote at any time, wherever you are in Akti.
A screen will open in which you can create the quote.
A quotation consists of 4 parts. To create the best possible quote, we advise you to create the various fields in these sections in the following order:
- The quote header.
- The settings of the quote. Click on the arrow on the right to open the settings.
- The main body of the quote. This also contains the section where you can configure the layout of the PDF.
- Notes & general conditions of the quote. Once again, click on the arrow on the right to open the Notes & general conditions.
For a detailed description, please refer to the respective manuals on these sections.
Tip To optimise the use of Quotes and enable automation, we recommend the following:
- Fill in as many Settings as possible in your Akti account.
- Fill in as many Quotes settings as possible.
- In the customer data, fill in at least the following fields: the VAT number, the VAT regime, the default VAT rate, the payment term, the language for the documents and the Account Manager.