To create a customer and/or supplier account, follow the next steps:
1. Click on the Accounts & contacts submenu of the CRM module.
2. Then click on Add to create a new account.
3. With Add "Quick add" and then Account you can also create a new account.
4. A pop-up window appears. Choose from the drop-down menu whether you want to create an account for a Company or an Individual.
5. Fill in the following fields. You must complete at least the mandatory fields Name and Country. Later you can complete or change the other information.
6. You can indicate whether it is a customer and/or supplier account.
7. If the billing and delivery addresses of the account differ from the main address, click on "Manage additional address(es)" and enter them.
8. Don't forget to save the data you entered!
How to change the data of a customer and/or supplier account, you can find out here.