In this article you will learn how to manage the financial settings of a customer in the CRM. The different steps are described below.
1. Go to the Accounts & contacts submenu of the CRM module. Click on Accounts and choose an account from the list.
2. Click on Financial.
3. Fill in the VAT number and the VAT regime. You can check if the VAT-number is recognised at VIES, a database of European VAT-numbers. Click on Check VAT number.
4. Then fill in the payment term: how many days based on the invoice date or how many days end of month.
5. By default, the invoice will be sent to the contact selected on the invoice. If you want to add a specific email address, tick Specific email for this account.
6. Fill in the bank details: name of the bank, BIC code and IBAN.
7. Choose the currency from the drop-down list: EUR, USD, GBP, ...
8. If you wish, you can add personalised comments for this customer's invoice. These will appear on each invoice.