In case you have customers who are poor payers, you can set a credit limit in the CRM of Akti for these customers. As soon as the total amount (including VAT) of their overdue invoices exceeds this limit, you will get a warning in Akti when you want to create a new quote or order form for this customer.
Tip This warning does not block the creation of an order form. The warning is purely informative.
Follow the next steps to set a credit limit.
1. Go to the Accounts & contacts submenu of the CRM module and click on Accounts.
2. Find the account for which you want to set a credit limit and click on this account.
3. Click on the Financial tab to set a credit limit.
Tip From the moment the customer exceeds this limit in overdue invoices, you get a message when you try to create a new purchase order for this customer.