First of all, go to Projects module and click on .
Add a name to the project then choose between those three kind of projects.
From here we will have to take the steps separately.
Time & Materials
Click on the Time & Materials then choose the rate of your project.
At step 4 you have to choose between those three alternative and gave your project a budget. Alternatives from hourly rate are similar to those from daily rate.
Click on Start.
Fixes price
After you chose Fixed price project, you have to choose if you want to be charged monthly or per task.
At Fixed price per task you will have just to set the budget, but at Fixe Monthly fee you have to choose the start, end date and the budget then click on Start.
Internal Project
After you chose Internal Project, your only option is Hourly Rate.
Step 4 from here is the same from Time & Materials, choose from those three alternatives, choose the budget then click on Start.
Last step
The last step of creating the project is the same to all kind of projects.
Choose the customer and the addresses, you can also choose that the delivery address to be the same as the main address.
Last thing to do is to Save.